
How To Read Your Books Kobo on PC or Mac?

How To Read Your Books Kobo on PC or Mac?

If you are a customer of the Kobo ereader, You have probably many books on your ebook reader. It may be interesting to transfer on PC to read on your computer or do research in the text of your books.

You must install the software of Kobo on your computer to perform this operation.

First of all, Check the site and download the application to your computer.

Once the software is present on your computer, click twice on the icon (or once on Mac) to start the installation process.

Now that the software is installed on your computer, you will need to fill out the contact details of your account Kobo books.

You can now take advantage of the features and functionality of the software:

  • synchronization of your books between your computer and your e-book reader Kobo.
  • the reading on the screen of your computer.
  • online purchase on the shop Kobo since the software.
  • Integrated Dictionary and tool for lineage.
  • Synchronization of trademarks pages (start playback on your e-book reader and continue on PC)
  • Since the software is free, it would be a shame to deprive themselves of these features.

(This guide also works on Mac)

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