Best Ereader
The Best Ereader For 2022: Buying Guide & Reviews
Every month I compile the best information of the past month, and I deduce which are the best ebook readers to buy.
Here is the summary of what happened in the previous months to know everything about e-readers and electronic reading! By reading this page about ereader reviews ( find more here), you should be able to buy the best ereader that will suit your needs and the best choice.
What are the Top best ereaders at the moment?
In order to find out the best ereader tablet, we are showing below a selection of the main existing ebook readers on the market.
It is not an exhaustive selection, but rather a selection of the current and most popular models. and definitely, u can feel more comfortable with choosing what is the best ereader.
Too obsolete models are deliberately set aside. In the following table, you have the models reliable and acclaimed by the press and the public. ( I listed below the access to Amazon.co.uk (£) and Amazon.com($).
Kindle Ereaders
Price | Reviews US |
Reviews US |
Reviews US |
Reviews US |
Size | 6 Inches, Touch | 6 inches, touch, illuminated | 6 inches, touch, illuminated | 7 inches, touch, illuminated | 7 inches, touch, illuminated |
Resolution | 600 x 800 pixels | 1440 x 1080 pixels | 1430 x 1080 pixels | 1680 x 1264 pixels | 1680 x 1264
pixels |
WaterProof | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Other | Available in black or white, this ereader does not offer to light. | The most successful screen and the most recent ereader in the range with the Kindle Oasis. | Designed for frequent travelers this ereader offers a very good autonomy. | The large format ereader for maximum comfort. Its 7-inch screen has a nice reading surface. It is also waterproof. | The large format ereader with 32 GB of storage (against 8 GB for the normal version). |
Comment | Cheap, it is a small affordable ereader that allows you to learn to read ebooks in good conditions. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
A very nice screen and a very interesting price for this beautiful reading 6 inches. It is the bestseller of the Kindle range. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
A bit aging, this ereader suffers from a bit well brought up rate for not always obvious benefits in a condition of reading. ⭐⭐⭐ |
The big screen is very interesting and the ereader keeps his great portability. However, the price may seem a bit excessive. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
The big screen is very interesting and the reader keeps his great portability. However, the price may seem a bit excessive. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
KoBo Ereaders
Reviews & Price US | Reviews & Price US | Reviews & Price US | |
Size | 6 Inches, Touch, Illuminated | 6,8 Inches, Touch, Illuminated | 7,8 Inches, Touch, Illuminated |
Resolution | 1024 x 768 pixels | 1440 x 1080 pixels | 1872 x 1404 pixels |
Waterproof | No | Yes | Yes |
Other | The cheapest of the range. | An ereader who should be strong enough in time through its treatment of sealing. | Has a useful blue light filter if you like to read in the dark. |
Comment | An ereader a little trolling technically as we find better elsewhere for the same price. ⭐⭐⭐ |
A very nice screen and a very interesting price for this beautiful reading of 6.8 inches. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
The high-end Kobo with an ereader with a very large screen for reading with maximum comfort. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Bookeen Ereaders
Reviews & Price | Reviews & Price
Reviews & Price
Reviews & Price | |
Size | 6 Inches, Touch, Illuminated | 6 Inches, Touch, Illuminated | 6 Inches, Touch, Illuminated | 6 Inches, Touch, Illuminated |
Resolution | 600 x 800 pixels | 1024 x 758 pixels | 1024 x 758 pixels | 1448 x 1072 pixels |
Integrated case | No | No | Yes | No |
Other | 8 GB to store your ebooks. | 8 Go pour stocker vs ebooks. | The newest model with integrated case (available in many colors) and 8 GB to store your ebooks. | A very nice screen with a nice resolution and 8 GB for your ebooks. |
Comment | Not expensive, it’s a small affordable ereader that allows learning about reading ebooks in good conditions with what it takes: touchscreen and lighting. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
A very nice screen and priced very interesting for this beautiful ereader 6 inches. It is the best-selling Kindle range. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
My favorite for this eReader designed for lovers of novels with a friendly design. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
A fine resolution and a price still restrained for excellent quality/price ratio. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
TEA / Pocketbook Ereaders
Reviews & Price | Reviews & Price | Reviews & Price | Reviews & Price | |
Size | 6 Inches, Touch, Illuminated | 6 Inches, Touch, Illuminated | 6 Inches, Touch, Illuminated | 8 Inches, Touch, Illuminated |
Resolution | 1024 x 758 pixels | 1072 x 1448 pixels | 1024 x 758 pixels | 1600 x 1200 pixels |
Integrated case | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Other | Available in different colors. | The most successful screen and the latest ereader in the range. | Case provided. Camera for “scanning” texts from the ereader. | ereader format for maximum comfort. |
Comment | This Touch Lux 3 is available at a very good price for a complete e-reader that will suit the majority of readers. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
A very nice screen and priced very interesting for this beautiful ereader 6 inches. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
A little aging, this ereader allows you to take a picture of text pages to turn them into an ebook. A reader a little gadget. ⭐⭐⭐ |
The big screen is very interesting but that the ereader becomes more comfortable she lost it in portability. For the homebodies readers so. ⭐⭐⭐ |
InBOOK Ereaders
Reviews & Price US | Reviews & Price US | |
Size | 6 inches, touchscreen | 6 inches, touch, illuminated |
Resolution | 600 x 800 pixels | 1024 x 758 pixels |
Lighting | No | Yes |
Other | 4 GB to store your ebooks. Micro-SD extension is possible. | 8 GB to store your ebooks. Bluetooth. Micro-SD extension. |
Comment | Not expensive, it’s a small affordable ereader that allows learning about reading ebooks and which will be useful if you have a Youboox subscription. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
The most interesting e-reader of the range with its illuminated screen and its 8 GB memory for your ebooks. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
* Price: this is the average price observed at dealers. These prices can move without the site being informed. As the price changes regularly, I have introduced a price code that gives an idea of the price according to the number of “€”. The table is sorted according to the price of the reading lamps. The readers at the head of the table are the least expensive.
** Note: This is the average score of satisfaction found in the press and among users of this model of ereader. If no note is available, there is not enough recoil to note it (this is a new model).
Should I buy an ebook reader in August 2021?
Yes, it’s the time because all the book readers who were going out are now available.
So you have a choice! And, besides, there is already good business to be done on the Kindle, Kobo and Bookeen ebook readers!
Finally, the e-reader Kindle Oasis (high-end) comes out at Amazon.
You can enter one of the many good plans there is right now. You will not necessarily have the last reader fashionable, but you will have a model of good quality at a very good price…
Don’t forget to consult the heading “Good Deals” for the latest discounts and good deals. There are often Kindle e-readers or the reconditioned Kobo cheaper that the ‘list price’ but have the same guarantees.
Buy Ebook Reader: What are The Best Ereaders?
Here are the best ebook readers that you should consider if you wish to make a purchase.
This selection presents the best readers of the moment, not necessarily the least expensive or the most popular:
Reviews & Price US |
Reviews & Price | Reviews & Price | Reviews & Price US |
Size | 6 inches, touchscreen | 6 inches, touch, illuminated | 6 inches, touch, illuminated | 7 inches, touch, illuminated |
Resolution | 600 x 800 pixels | 1072 x 1448 pixels | 1024 x 758 pixels | 1680 x 1264 pixels |
Waterproof | No | No | No | Yes |
Other | Available in black or white, this reader does not light. | Text-to-speech and MP3 playback. | The ereader is integrated into a protective case available in 5 different colors. | Light large format for maximum comfort. Its 7-inch screen offers a beautiful reading surface. It is also waterproof. |
Comment | Not expensive, it’s a small affordable reader that allows learning about reading ebooks in good conditions. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
A very nice screen and priced very interesting for this beautiful ereader 6 inches. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
My favorite of this early 2018: a simple and perfect ereader for reading a novel. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
The big screen is very interesting and the reader keeps his great portability. However, the price may seem a bit excessive. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Kindle touch
Kindle Touch: this book reader is an entry-level model that is available on Amazon France.
Its use is very simple thanks to the system put in place by Amazon and its price is very reasonable which makes it very good reading for beginners.
Kindle Paperwhite
The new Kindle Paperwhite was released in early November 2018 and just turns out to be excellent. It is a waterproof reading light with a beautiful, 6-inch illuminated touch screen. You can buy it on Amazon
Bookeen Diva HD
The Bookeen Diva HD is a French reader with a beautiful 6-inch screen, lighting with blue light filter, and a large amount of 16 GB storage.
It is, therefore, a good alternative to the large companies in the sector such as Kobo and Kindle.
You can buy it directly from Bookeen on their site.
Kindle Oasis
This is a surprise for me too: there is more Kobo in this guide. The fault machines that can hardly convince me, even if they are far from bad – quite the contrary.
But for those looking for a high-end, waterproof, and larger screen (7 inches here), I think the Kindle Oasis is the best on the market at the moment.
Kobo Libra H2O
A little more expensive, the Kobo Libra H2O also has a larger screen of 7 inches against 6 inches for previous readers.
This is new for fall 2019 and undoubtedly one of the best ereaders of the moment.
You can find the Kobo Libra H2O for $ 195 on Fnac.com, or on Amazon
Large format e-readers with screens larger than 6 inches were starting to age. Fortunately, Pocketbook / Tea has just marketed the InkPad 3 and the result is largely up to expectations on everything that it is available at Amazon.
However, for those who are looking for a high-end reader with a larger screen (7.8 inches here), I think the InkPad 3 is the best on the market at the moment.
How to choose your Ereader?
It is quite simple to choose your Ereader.
Choose the ereader screen:
Cybook Odyssey Frontlight HD, Inkpad 3, Bookeen Saga: a 7.8-inch reader in the middle of two 6 inch ones
The standard e-reader screen size is 6 inches, but today there are 7 inch, 7.8 inch, and even 10-inch models for some professional e-reader models.
Today, all e-readers use the same electronic ink technology. The only difference comes mainly from the size.
So this is an important parameter. If you want a screen larger than 6 inches, you will have less choice. That’s why I advise you to look at the side of the Kobo Libra H2O (7 inches) or InkPad 3 (7.8 inches).
Choose the options for your Ereader
The ereaders all have a touch screen that simplifies the use and ergonomics of the device.
The ereaders also offer to light.
On the other hand, there are some differences: some ereaders offer lighting with an adjustment of the color temperature to filter blue light (see at Kobo and Vivlio or the high-end Kindle Oasis at Amazon).
Others offer a text-to-speech feature (InkPad 3 and Touch HD Plus).
If you plan to take your e-reader everywhere, I also advise you to choose a waterproof model that will protect your e-reader from water, snow, sand, and dust.
Some also have an extension port to add a micro-SD card to increase the storage capacity of the ereader (if you only plan to read books like novels, this should not be a criterion, however).
Obviously, all these options including a little increase in the price of the ereader.
Choose the brand of your reader: Kindle or Kobo?
Choosing the make of the reader means choosing which file formats will be supported by the reader:
All e-reader brands support roughly the same ebook file formats except that Kindle cannot read EPUB and other brands cannot read AZW.
As the EPUB format and Kindle e-readers are popular, we can still make the two coexist in this way:
1) Buy the eReader on Amazon, but take care to buy a large part of your ebooks on online stores that offer editions in EPUB format (standard in digital books) and without DRM.
2) You will then have EPUB ebooks that you can transfer to your reader with the Caliber software (which takes care of converting file formats for you).
3) So, if in the future you have to change your e-reader and you do not take an e-reader from Amazon, your ebooks will be compatible with your Kindle e-reader using software such as Caliber.
Why buy an ereader? What is an ereader?
Ereaders are devices that allow you to read books on a screen with electronic ink that does not tire your eyes.
We can, therefore, find good ergonomics and reading comfort similar to those obtained with a paper book. Unlike conventional screens, you can read in full sun without a problem.
The reading lights have a large storage capacity which allows them to carry hundreds of books. They are now all touch screen and most (if not 100% of the models) have built-in lighting for reading in the dark.
If you want to know more, you can refer to this article: why buy an e-reader? 27 good reasons!
A little reminder about Kindle ereaders & Deals
Important: Amazon Kindle Readers are technically advanced. Unfortunately to fully enjoy it, buy on Amazon. They are therefore not open to other shops and ebooks purchased on Amazon are compatible only with Kindle ereaders.
My advice if you want to buy a Kindle ereader: buy the reader on Amazon, but be careful to buy a large part of your ebooks on online shops that offer editions in EPUB format (standard in the digital book) and without DRM.
So if in the future you need to change the ebook reader and you do not take it from Amazon, your ebooks will be compatible with your next reader in condition after using a software like Calibre.
To be certain to have an e-reader or tablet at the best price, you can consult our pages of good plans and good deals:
If you want to check about our reviews for the other ereaders, here are some that will interest you …
Cybook Muse Light: an entry-level e-reader at a price of £ 89 which features simple but sufficient specifications: a 6-inch touchscreen, 4 GB storage, and lighting (+ Touchscreen and physical buttons). A good choice to get a digital ebook reader for an inexpensive price. See the full article here.
Kobo Aura One is the star of the new year 2016. With its large 7.8-inch screen, waterproof case, touch screen, and illuminated, it has everything to please. Only its price is a little high: 229 £.
The Kobo Aura 2 is a bit disappointing but it deserves to offer a slightly cheaper alternative in the family of 6-inch (light + tactile), ebook readers. The problem comes from its screen which is less good than the competition.
The new Kindle was available in the month of July 2016. It is lighter, available in white, and has better capacity. In short, it is a very good reader of entry-level. ( Check Here)
The Kindle Oasis has really talked a lot about it in recent weeks. We should confess that with its prohibitive tariff – but some qualities anyway – it has something to surprise.
If you want to learn more, you can consult this article (Click Here).