Drop’s DCX keycap sets for mechanical keyboards are buy one, get one free
It’s that time again. Drop has brought back its excellent buy one, get one deal on its mechanical keyboard DCX keycap sets, which offer some exquisitely clean and fun designs. If you buy a standard white-on-black or black-on-white DCX set from Drop right now, you can get a second set from a wider selection for free with promo code DCXBOGOISBACK until 11:59PM PT on May 21st. Most of these keycaps normally cost $99 per set, so you’re saving a full $99 on that second one — or, in the case of the pricier Deep Space set by designer Booper, you’re actually saving $139.
Drop’s DCX keys fit Cherry-style keyboard switches, and while they’re quite high quality, they make for a better value than the popular GMK sets out there (which often have long…
By: Antonio G. Di BenedettoSheena Vasani
Title: Drop’s DCX keycap sets for mechanical keyboards are buy one, get one free
Sourced From: www.theverge.com/2023/5/20/23730214/drop-keyboard-keycaps-govee-dreamview-gaming-lights-1password-family-deal-sale
Published Date: Sat, 20 May 2023 15:00:00 +0000
Antonio G. Di BenedettoSheena Vasani
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