Artificial Intelligence

How Generative AI looks in next 10–15 years.

How Generative AI Will Look in the Next 10–15 Years

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new things or improve existing things.

It can make images, sounds, texts, and videos that look or sound real. It can also make them more accurate or personalized for different purposes. Generative AI has many uses and benefits for various industries and fields.

In this post, I will share some of my predictions for how generative AI will shape the future in the short term and the long term.

Short Term: 2–3 Years

Generated AI will boost computer graphics and animation in the coming years. This will aid 3D modelling, which is the process of generating digital objects and scenes. Generative AI can assist in the creation of more realistic and lifelike characters and environments for use in gaming, cinema, and marketing.

Natural language understanding and communication will also benefit from generative AI. This will allow virtual assistants and chatbots to converse more naturally and perform more tasks for humans. This will make them more helpful and friendly when performing duties such as booking, ordering, or locating information.

Generative AI will also aid in energy conservation and environmental protection. This will be accomplished via optimising energy use and production. It will forecast how much energy we will use and when we will require it. It will also make use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy. It will also improve energy flow through power networks and smart metres.

Transportation will benefit from generative AI as well. It will accomplish this by improving traffic flow and minimising congestion. It will analyse traffic patterns and data to recommend the best routes and forms of transportation. It will also aid with vehicle upkeep by forecasting when repairs or maintenance are required.

In summary, generative AI will automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency in many industries in the short term.

Long Term: 10–15 Years

In the next decade or two, generative AI will have even more incredible applications and implications. Creating realistic and precise simulations in domains such as architecture, urban planning, and engineering is one of them. Before they are built, generative AI will assist in the design and testing of new buildings, cities, and structures. It will also aid in the exploration of many situations and consequences for planning and decision making.

Another use of generative AI is the development of novel materials and products in industries such as manufacturing and textile design. Generative AI will aid in the discovery of new material and property combinations that can improve product quality, performance, or functionality. It will also aid in the customization of items based on tastes and needs.

A third application of generative AI is to improve natural language generation. This is the process of making human language texts. Generative AI will aid in the creation of more diverse and innovative content in domains such as news, literature, and film screenplays. It will also aid in the personalization of content based on interests, tastes, or emotions.

By producing realistic simulated settings for testing and training, generative AI will also improve self-driving automobiles. This will contribute to the safety and dependability of autonomous vehicles. It will also contribute to more engaging and immersive passenger experiences.

Audio to asset generation is another application for generative AI. By using spoken descriptions, digital objects or scenes are created. For instance, generative AI will produce an image of a dragon for us if we ask it to “draw me a picture of a dragon”. For pleasure, education, or the arts, this will be helpful.

In conclusion, I believe that over time, generative AI will produce high-caliber books, movies, games, and other media. It will also be the driving force behind significant changes in the labor market like self-driving cars, sophisticated robots, increased crop output, etc.


A potent form of artificial intelligence called generative AI may produce new items or enhance old ones. It is beneficial and useful in a wide range of professions and industries. I discussed some of my long- and short-term forecasts on how generative AI would affect the future in this piece. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it and learned something.

What do you consider generative AI to be? Do you think my forecasts are accurate? Have you got any further forecasts or queries? Please comment below with your ideas!

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How Generative AI looks in next 10–15 years. was originally published in Artificial Intelligence in Plain English on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.—-78d064101951—4
By: Adithya Thatipalli
Title: How Generative AI looks in next 10–15 years.
Sourced From:—-78d064101951—4
Published Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 04:09:35 GMT

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