Artificial Intelligence

The Top 10 Best AI jobs in 2023


Your guide to high-demand AI professions for 2023

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

ChatGPT’s release marked the beginning of the AI revolution. Since then, people are asking themselves “If these technologies are so good and so advanced, will they not replace us?”. Well, that’s a hard question. But the probability that specific jobs disappear is pretty high, especially the jobs in which you perform boring and repetitive tasks.

For that reason, it’s a good idea to search for better opportunities. One of these opportunities is to land an AI job that is in demand currently and will continue to be in the future. Even if you’re not an adult yet, it’s a good strategy to stay informed on this matter. By doing this, you have more chances than others of your age to land an AI job in the future.

Note: The salary of each job is an average. All salaries are based on US standards. It’s the average salary that you can possibly get if you land this job in the US.

10/ Data Scientist

You’re probably familiar with this one. It’s one of the most “famous” professions in programming. Large unstructured datasets are a complete mess. The data scientist is the person who tries to clean this mess and re-order everything.

He uses various tools and frameworks to find patterns and extract valuable information from these datasets. All this valuable and carefully extracted data is used to train the AI models. Based on the results, the data scientists optimize the data they have collected or they gather new data and they try again.

  • Annual salary: $65,674
  • Monthly salary: $5,472

9/ Natural Language Processing Engineer

NLP engineers are the persons who are teaching our language to AI models. They are responsible to make the AI model understand what we are talking about and writing when interacting with it. Think of this engineer as a school teacher who teaches a foreign language. It’s the same thing, but here, he teaches human language, our language, to computers.

NLP engineers use techniques such as speech recognition, machine learning, deep learning, and linguistic analysis to teach AI models. Their job is to make AI models understand the meaning of the words we say and write, the context of the situation, and the logic behind it. They translate human language into computer language.

  • Annual salary: $86,193
  • Monthly salary: $7,182

8/ Robotics Engineer

A robotics engineer is someone charged with the full construction of a robot. He designs, builds, programs, and tests the robot. This is a hard job that requires a lot of skills: programming, mechanics, engineering, electronics, AI understanding, and more. Choose it only if you are really passionate about all this because it is certain that you gonna study a lot.

For now, robots are quite rare, but with the development of AI, it is a matter of time before more complex robots come on the market. This means that the demand for robotics engineers will increase slightly. Let’s just hope that we’ll not suffer the fate described in Terminator.

  • Annual salary: $86,382
  • Monthly salary: $7,198

7/ Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning consists of teaching computer systems to make predictions and smart decisions. The engineers use data with which the AI models learn and improve themselves. They also provide practical examples to reinforce the process.

The whole point is to help computer systems or AI systems acquire new abilities and skills like pattern recognition, image and text speech recognition, and fraud detection. They try to automate AI systems, to make them independent and self-learning.

  • Annual salary: $109,143
  • Monthly salary: $9,095

6/ AI Research Scientist

These are the people who push the AI models forward. Their job is to run various tests with AI. Their role is to determine the boundaries of AI models, push them to their limits, and see what is their maximum level of performance. They do that by asking creative questions, exploring new ideas, discussing different topics, and overall experimenting with AI.

After they determine those limits, they work on algorithms designed to improve the AI models’ performance. They propose new approaches, techniques, and optimizations that can be implemented into the inner workings of those models which makes them progress and expands their limits and capabilities.

They are also charged with the rating of AI models. Companies use AI research scientists to determine if a specific model is worth it or not. This calculated rating allows them to make important business decisions about products and services related to AI.

  • Annual salary: $115,443
  • Monthly salary: $9,620

5/ AI Consultant

An AI consultant is a person who works with businesses and serves as their professional advisor on AI utility. His job is to find places between the business’s operations where AI can be of great help. He helps businesses by showing them the power and effectiveness of AI in different use cases. He does that by analyzing the business’s plans, products, concepts, and problems, and then implementing AI where needed.

This allows companies to perform much better in their field(s). The main benefits are speed, efficiency, cost reduction, simplicity, and more revenue. AI consultants can also provide study sessions where they teach their clients how to identify situations where they can implement AI to receive better results. An AI consultant must stay informed about the latest technologies and improvements in the AI field.

  • Annual salary: $124,843
  • Monthly salary: $10,403

4/ AI Product Manager

The AI product manager’s job consists of designing and creating a product or a digital service that functions with power driven by AI technology. He also works with businesses. He selects all the features and requirements necessary for the creation of the final product or service. When it’s finished, he must test it and gather feedback for future improvements.

AI product managers must follow and be in touch with the market trends and the latest news about AI. They must work closely with their clients and advise them during the creation process of the product. Since market trends can change fast, they must propose alternative solutions and adapt in order to create the best product.

  • Annual salary: $128,091
  • Monthly salary: $10,674

3/ Deep Learning Engineer

Deep learning engineers are really similar to machine learning engineers. They both collect large amounts of data which they clean and select. Then, they use this data to train the AI models.

The primary difference is that deep learning engineers feed this data to a neural network that helps the AI models to perform better. A neural network is a complex computer program that accumulates knowledge from data and examples and then uses this knowledge to make decisions based on the learned patterns and connections. Think of it as the brain of the AI model.

The other differences are that deep learning is a job that requires more knowledge and skills, and that’s why it is better paid. The deep learning engineers have more data to manage and a variety of other tasks. Their work is more “deep” as the name says. They use different frameworks and technologies such as PyTorch and TensorFlow.

  • Annual salary: $141,435
  • Monthly salary: $11,786

2/ Computer Vision Engineer

Computer vision engineers are people who develop algorithms designed to teach computers how to understand and process visual data. This data can be images, videos, movies, animations, and more. Their job is to give computers the ability to recognize objects and visual elements, identify them, classify them, separate them, and process them.

Computer vision engineers have some basic knowledge of deep learning since they use it to process the visual data used for the training of computers and AI models. Yes, they work with data too, but visual data. They select specific images, apply filters, resize them, scale them, and all kinds of other stuff related to image processing.

Computer vision is useful in application development. That’s why they collaborate with software engineers, to implement computer vision in applications and even 3D vision apps and games. It is useful for the creation of real-life robots as well since computer vision allows robots to detect obstacles and other environmental stuff.

  • Annual salary: $168,803
  • Monthly salary: $14,066

1/ Business Development Manager

The business development manager works as an executive in an AI business Company. He analyzes the AI market trends and finds relevant opportunities that can possibly generate more revenue and expand the company. He makes the future business plans of companies.

One thing to mention is that a business development manager is not a CEO, his rank is high but he is not the one who makes the big decisions. He leads the company toward the future and expands it with new business ideas that could bring more value and money to that company by working with the company’s CEO and other professionals.

He must fully understand how AI works and what it can do but he must also acquire skills like imagination, creativity, storytelling, and sociability. These skills are used for building partnerships with other AI companies, executives, managers, startups, research institutions, technology providers, etc…

  • Annual salary: $196,491
  • Monthly salary: $16,374


So here they are, the 10 best AI job opportunities for 2023. I believe that these jobs will continue to be in demand in the future because AI technology as you can see needs some human support to function correctly and improve its performance. They will be certainly other AI technologies that will come up in the future, presenting more advanced features and handling more complex tasks, which means that more and more businesses will search for AI experts to help them take advantage of the power of AI.

However, it’s important to consider several factors when choosing one of the jobs above. Don’t immediately choose the business development manager job just because it’s the one that pays the most. Instead, take a deeper look at each one of these jobs and see if you can easily get the required knowledge for it, see if you’re gonna like it, and overall, make an intelligent analysis.


The Top 10 Best AI jobs in 2023 was originally published in Artificial Intelligence in Plain English on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.—-78d064101951—4
By: Maks Lunev
Title: The Top 10 Best AI jobs in 2023
Sourced From:—-78d064101951—4
Published Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 14:16:58 GMT

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