Artificial Intelligence

AI and the Welfare State: A New Paradigm for Universal Basic Income

Unseen labour for AI: Time to rethink welfare and universal basic income in the digital age.



Imagine being asked to work for free. Your immediate response would likely be a resounding “no.” Yet, in the digital age, we unknowingly contribute our labour to tech giants without compensation. This article explores how the rise of AI is reshaping our understanding of work, welfare, and the concept of a universal basic income.

1. The Unseen Workforce

Every time we solve a CAPTCHA, we are proving our humanity and contributing to the vast databases that fuel AI systems. These databases, in turn, are used to develop products and services we are asked to purchase. This form of labour goes unrecognized and uncompensated, new digital serfdom. But it’s not just about CAPTCHA. Whenever we use a search engine, interact with a virtual assistant or even browse through our social media feeds, we feed data into the AI systems that power these platforms. This data is then used to train and improve these systems, effectively making us unpaid workers in the AI economy.

DALL-E Generated: “Waves of binary data by Jules Olitski.”

2. AI as a Societal Accelerator

If harnessed correctly, AI has the potential to bring about societal good and usher in a new era for the welfare state. The European Union, focusing on human rights and social welfare, has a crucial role in this transformation. The key is to ensure that those who contribute to the development of AI and its subsequent services/products receive fair compensation. This is not just about financial compensation but also about recognizing the value of the data we generate and our role in training AI systems. It’s about shifting the balance of power from the tech giants to the individuals who use their platforms.

3. From Universal Basic Income to Just Remuneration

The conversation around universal basic income needs to evolve. Instead of providing a basic income regardless of contribution, we should consider a system of just remuneration, where individuals are compensated for their contributions to AI development. This is not a handout but a fair exchange for work done. It’s about recognizing that our data and interactions with AI systems have value and that we should be compensated for this. It’s about moving away from a passive income to a more active form of remuneration, where our contributions to the AI economy are recognized and rewarded.

4. AI as a Guardian of Equality

AI can be a neutral actor promoting equality in our systems if programmed with the right values, such as critical thinking, European values, and Sustainable Development Goals. It can help enforce a more equitable distribution of resources and reduce growing inequalities, offering hope for future generations. But this is something that will only happen sometimes. It requires careful thought and planning and a commitment to ensuring that AI is used for the benefit of all, not just a privileged few.

5. The Role of the European Union and Its Citizens

The European Union, with its commitment to human rights and social welfare, has a crucial role to play in this transformation. It can set the standards for how AI is developed and used and ensure that the benefits of AI are shared fairly among all citizens. It can also provide a model for other regions and countries to follow, showing how AI can promote social good and not just corporate profits. However, this transformation cannot be achieved by the European Union alone. It requires the active participation and understanding of its citizens. This is where CitizeAi_ comes into play, aiming to raise awareness about AI among the general public using simple, jargon-free language.

  • Public servants and experts also have a crucial role to play. They must provide clear and accessible explanations about AI and its implications, helping citizens understand how it affects their lives and society;
  • The media, too, has a significant role to play. By providing accurate and understandable coverage of AI developments, they can help demystify the field and make it more accessible to the general public;
  • Politicians, for their part, need to engage with the topic of AI positively and constructively. Instead of using AI to stoke fear and populism, they should focus on its potential to bring about societal good and promote a fairer distribution of resources.

In this way, the development and use of AI can become a collective endeavour involving not just the European Union and tech companies but also citizens, public servants, experts, the media, and politicians. Together, they can ensure that AI is used in a way that benefits all and contributes to a more equitable society.

DALL-E Generated: “The European map by Bridget Riley.”

Conclusion: A Hope for the Future

We are living in a system with limited resources and growing inequalities. If understood and implemented correctly, AI can act as a guardian enforcing more equality in our systems; This is a hope for future generations. As we continue to develop AI, we must ensure that it serves us all equally and that its benefits are shared fairly.


Author Bio: I am the founder of CitizeAi_ and a Strategy Manager at BearingPoint. My mission is to democratize AI and make it an accessible tool for everyone. My approach to AI and Data Strategy is rooted in humanistic principles, enabling me to develop solutions with a positive societal impact. I firmly believe in transparency, self-awareness, and vulnerability and strive to foster open discussions on various topics. I invite you to connect with me as we shape the future of AI together. Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this article are those of CitizeAi_ and my own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company.

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AI and the Welfare State: A New Paradigm for Universal Basic Income was originally published in Artificial Intelligence in Plain English on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.—-78d064101951—4
By: Simon Hardy
Title: AI and the Welfare State: A New Paradigm for Universal Basic Income
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Published Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 01:26:32 GMT

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