Artificial Intelligence

France’s Mistral AI blows in with a $113M seed round at a $260M valuation to take on OpenAI says…

France’s Mistral AI blows in with a $113M seed round at a $260M valuation to take on OpenAI says TechCrunch

an image of palm trees probably bent by the Mistral this wind you know better than me

for some, the access to the door of funding is faster maybe thanks to their special skills and the importance of the problem on which they are tackling or maybe thanks to the relationship they have with the venture network which is a positive side effect of the position they had before they decided to start a venture. it seems like Mistral AI is among these kinds of ventures because as a four-week-old startup, Mistral made it to a $113M seed round according to this article by Ingrid Lunden published on TechCrunch.

I may seem like if am more or less critical about seeing Mistral getting so fast to this amount of funding but I am giving the benefit of the doubt by considering that if Mitral AI got this $113M seed round that's because it has a mind-blowing AI solution that will blow away the tech and marketing effort deployed by early entrants like OpenAI with ChatGPT and Google with Bard but what’s more likely is that Mistral AI will try to conquer the European market as this market has different regulatory views and perspective about AI than other markets. we all have seen how European regulators have been harsh against American big tech companies like this decision they took about digital device charging ports that seems to be targeted at Apple. All of these regulatory signals tend to prove that European authorities are willing to promote local champions instead of always relying on imported technology which may increase this American tech hegemony I have been twitting about what in my opinion could be an opportunity for an AI startup started by Frenchies and firstly funded by a french backer that is BPIfrance and then backers like Lightspeed Venture Partners, JCDecaux Holding, and others like the former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Recall that Mistral AI, based out of Paris, is co-founded by alums from Google’s DeepMind and Meta as said by Techcrunch.

Even if the above paragraph started in a positive tone toward this news of Mistral getting a 113 seed round it seems like it ended with considerations that seemed like if I was about downsizing the change of Mistral AI to conquer this new opportunity of Generative AI worldwide making me feel like a jealous entrepreneur who is not happy to see others succeeding where he failed but I was just trying to give my analysis about this tech news. if you want a more impartial and professional take on this piece of news you could head on Techcrunch here and I will not be angry about your action because this article like this other about Netflix is all about taking a piece of tech news mainly on TechCrunch and writing about it for the sake of writing some words that could be on my list of things done. There are for sure other more important things to do than writing words but that’s what I happen to be able to do and I love doing it because it feels like it makes me feel a sentiment of fulfillment, of something done that I rarely get the chance to feel. if that’s typing and hitting publish that helps me feel like an achiever then I would like to type and publish more because the sentiment of fulfillment is a sentiment that has a big impact on the motivational energy we have available for the next thing to be done on our funnel.

Then here is Mistral AI another Generatice AI startup that will fight head on head, teeth on teeth with ChatGPT Bard and others and I think they have all that’s required to occupy a very good spot in this AI space if I judge by the quality of its funding team and the potential skills available in France and areas abroad Europa and again added to these two fact European preferences on made in Europa Technology.

Again this is not a fund-me-$113M-too opinion but a contribution from a tech entrepreneur who thinks that this may be helpful to others. who knows? strange, dump and trashy things are sometimes needed by who knows who. Me for sure I don’t know about you.

France's Mistral AI blows in with a $113M seed round at a $260M valuation to take on OpenAI

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France’s Mistral AI blows in with a $113M seed round at a $260M valuation to take on OpenAI says… was originally published in Artificial Intelligence in Plain English on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.—-78d064101951—4
By: Diop Papa Makhtar
Title: France’s Mistral AI blows in with a $113M seed round at a $260M valuation to take on OpenAI says…
Sourced From:—-78d064101951—4
Published Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 11:06:15 GMT

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